Create Naturally


BOOK REVIEW - Barrie Mason

Create Naturally: Go outside and rediscover nature with 15 artists

by Marcia Young

It’s Summer when I’m writing this, boy is it Summer! While the heat does keep me indoors more than I’d like, summer is a time when nature is bursting out all over. So, when I saw the book Create Naturally, Go Outside and Rediscover Nature with 15 Artists at my local library, I pounced. I think you will be rewarded if you do the same.  

This is a beautiful book so if you just want to use it like a picture book, you will be well served. But reading about these artists is surely a treat that beats the summer heat.  The editor is Marcia Young and some of you may know she was the Editor in Chief of Fiber Arts Now for over a decade.  These are truly nature inspired artists. As Ms. Young says, “I selected each artist not only for the diversity of their work but also for their warmth and the sense of purpose that they derive from nature, each in their own way.” There is great variety from nature journaling, installations, vessels, free motion embroidery, weaving, wearable foliage and MORE.  

While most of the mediums are not my own, I found it very intriguing, thought provoking and also inspiring to see and hear from these artists and I think you will too. All that nature from the cool comfort of my studio.